Since I live in the Evergreen State, it's only fitting to call this my Evergreen quilt.
I made a handful of extra tree blocks when I was testing them for my Suburbs quilt, so I figured why not make a few more and put them to good use?! These are quick and addicting to make, and a good first project trying templates if you haven't ever used them.
I included some quick instructions for making this quilt below. It's a fast sew, and a good use of the random leftover green fabrics I had stuffed into my stash.
CLICK HERE for the Tree Block Pattern
The finished quilt measures 49" x 55".
- Make 35 tree blocks using this printable tree block pattern.
- Cut 35 strips 2 ½" x 7 ½". Sew a strip to the bottom of 20 tree blocks. Sew a strip to the top of 15 tree blocks.
3. Layout the blocks into 5 rows of 7 blocks each, alternating between blocks with strips at the bottom or top. Sew blocks together to form rows, and sew the rows together to make the quilt top. I like to press my seams open, but you could also alternate pressing directions if you press to the side. Don't worry too much if you are sewing some of your points off a little or they aren't perfect as you sew the quilt together...especially if you are a beginner!
I did a super fast finish and quilted this with wavy lines on my Bernina with the walking foot. I use stitch 4, and set the width to 5.5 and the stitch length to 3.
We are still hoping for some snow here in Seattle this winter...but for now it feels like Spring already. It's 52 degrees and sunny, and Jane and I already walked through the park today after running errands. No complaints here!
Hi Allison! What a great use of your probably overflowing green stash. I just love all the variety of fabrics you use, just like a true forest. All these trees just make me smile. ~smile~ Roseanne
Thanks Roseanne! Actually I have a pretty small stash! A big pile of fabrics stress me out! ;)
Libby Blaha
Thanks Allison ..... a awesome project to start now with green fabric stash pieces and future
leftover greens. Thank you and a "Happy New Year" ................
Thanks Libby and happy new year to you also!
Love how this turned out, Allison! Looks like bright evergreens during the snowy season. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sheila!
Such a simple design, but it turned out so cute! I'm going to use this to make my brother a TV quilt for his birthday! Thank you so much for the tutorial!!!
Hi Allison, how much backing fabric (including the 35 blocks and the strips) do you think I would need for this quilt?
I would probably buy 2 yards, maybe even 2 1/2 yards, because cutting the templates for the triangle tree tops takes a bit more yardage than normal.
Oh and I'm assuming you meant the white background fabric right? Not backing fabric? Backing fabric (the fabric on the back side of the quilt) would be 3 1/4 yards if you buy normal 44 inch wide fabric.
We have lots of snow happy to send you a bit. Thank you for sharing you fun pattern
We would love snow!
Toni Macomb
Thank you for the tutorial! I've been wanting to make a tree quilt but haven't gotten around to it. Similar to when I wanted to make a house quilt...and finally got around to it. Hugs! And thanks again!
Haha...that sounds like my life. ;)
Hi Allison, how much backing fabric (including the 35 blocks and the strips) do you think I would need for this quilt?
Deanna Plotts
This is cute. Thanks for the tutorial. I picked up your suburbs pattern in December.
Thanks Deanna!
Nicole R Woomer
Ok. I love this!!! Did I miss somewhere how to make the trunk and the pieces next to it? I caught the rest of it, but just checking. Thanks!!
Love your Evergreen Quilt, Allison! Thank you for sharing the pattern with us!
Thanks Karen!
Thank you for the tutorial. I really want to make a writer/christmas quilt and this looks perfect. x
It's a perfect winter quilt!
Terri Arnold
Thanks for the shared tutorial! I love tree blocks! It looks really fun and whimsical!
Sue H
Thanks for the pattern. It's a wonderful quilt. Happy New Year!
You're welcome and to you also!
The the crisp clean look of this quilt. The quilting you used is my favorite go to. I'm thinking of making this my leader/ender project. Thank you.
Thank you Selina!
That comment was supposed to start with the word LOVE. Not sure what happened to it. But I do love it.
Terrie D.
This is such a beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing the block tutorial. I love the trees. :)
Peggy Melfi
Darling! You may be in the Evergreen State (and lucky you!)~~my family originates from there: Roslyn to Bridgeport to Wenatchee and points in between. But! We have a LOT of evergreens in my home state of Colorado, and I just love this tree quilt! Thanks for sharing the pattern! And I like your "quick finish", as well. MUCH better than that large meander (IMHO).
Thanks Peggy! I love the trees in Colorado!
Stacy Withrow
Beauty! My 5 year old son will love this. He is often concerned about the world's oxygen/trees! I'm thinking cozy brown minky/dimple dot backing. Might throw in a Christmas print but I'll test block that...
Thank you very much for sharing and the pattern! I'm going to check my green situation now.
What a perfect quilt for him! You can never go wrong with cozy minky for sure.
What a beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing the tutorial. I will definitely try it.
I just want to say that I have been a fan of your website for a long time and I think you are the BEST! I found the simple hearts tutorial and I must say that you are truly a' quilter of (wo)men!' You do so much to SHARE your love and expertise with those of us that are trying to learn it! A heartfelt(pun intended)THANK YOU
Kathy g
Thanks Kathy!
Elizabeth W
I love this!I’ve been wanting to make a tree quilt and now I have a plan to do it. I just bought your diagonal seam tape at my LQS the other day. So excited to have that helper. :)
Adorable simplicity. I love it! Thanks for sharig
Thanks for the tree quilt tutorial, can't wait to gather up my greens.
I am just beginning to quilt so this may seem like an unusual request, but what is the white fabric that you used for the background. It has such a crisp look to it and makes the trees pop!
I always use Bella Solid 9900-97, or if you want the non bleached version I also love Bella Solid 9900-200 Off White (it's not really off white, more of a creamy white).
This tutorial looks adorable! My son requested to make a quilt & we picked this pattern (this is our first time ever making a quilt). What do I do to make the back & sides? Thank you for your help!
Love the tree quilt and all the various shades of green/blue. Enjoy your spring weather while you can. It's snowing here in southern OR as I type. And about 30 degrees colder, too. LOL Love your posts and your designs.
How much backing fabric do you need for this quilt please? Thank you
Might throw in a Christmas print but I’ll test block that
Thank you very much for sharing and the pattern! I’m going to check my green situation now.
Thank you for the tutorial I hope to make my kids a quilt from this pattern.
Have you ever considered something like this with a dark background? My daughter would like a Christmas quilt throw, but with a toddler and a baby wants less white …. Do you have any thoughts?
You could do a dark green background, with neutral low volume trees with white backgrounds, or reds and some other colors mixed in. I made one with a scrappy background and colorful trees, if you search Evergreen quilt in my search bar at the top it might come up!
Love the look of this ! Approximate fabric needed for the trees, white fabric please.this looks like a perfect project for my first “piecing” project
Thanks for sharing
Made this with minky fabrics (did I say how much I hate cleaning up after cutting minky). Love your pattern design. East pattern to make. Downsized it for a baby quilt.
Thanks for sharing i 🥰 the tree pattern.